support Dylan Bressey
for director and Vice President
Cities up to 500,000
It’s a challenging time to serve in municipal government. But our Mayors, Councillors, and Administrators are rising to the occasion! I’m so excited about the work of municipal governments across Alberta. Which is why I am running for the Board and Executive of Alberta Municipalities. I want to support the work of our members as they help build thriving communities and strong local economies.
This page will tell you more about myself, my work, and how I think ABmunis can best serve local Councils. But I’d love to hear directly from you! What’s happening in your local community and what support would help?
If we haven’t connected yet, please give me a call or text at 780-402-4166. Or email me at Send me your thoughts. Better yet: let me know how I can find you for a chat at Convention.
Scroll down for more information
Including priorities I see and my experience.