3 Sector Professional Experience

City Council and other levels of government play a critical role in shaping our community. But government doesn’t create a great community. It only supports it.

Businesses and non-profits are the organisations that truly make community happen. They provide jobs. They deliver services. And they further causes.

My career has involved working in private, non-profit, and government roles. This gives me experience and insight to help all connect with each other to build a better Grande Prairie.


I’m a founder and owner of a labour company. My company provides workers and services to a variety of industries including energy, retail, construction, and real estate. I’ve appreciated helping create jobs in our community, and enjoyed getting to better understand the business needs of a wide variety of customers.


Non-Profit Experience

I spent a decade establishing and supervising youth programs throughout the Peace Country. It was a privilege to learn about and meet the needs of young people. Recruiting volunteers, fundraising my entire budget from private donors, and organising big events helped me develop communication and management skills.


Council Experience

I’ve served for four years on Council. I dedicated a lot of time to reading background information, seeking out advice, and learning the job. In my Council role, I’ve also served on and chaired a number of boards and committees (click here to see my Council appointments).