Catching Up on Road Rehabilitation

The City is heading into a record breaking construction year. In 2021, more money will be spent on fixing our roads than in any other year. And investment had already been increasing over the last few years!

This is good for the sake of caring for our infrastructure. It will also create jobs in a year where our economy is hurting.

Here's more information about what is being done for our roads. They aren't just receiving more funding. Effort has also gone into ensuring that funding gets the best results possible.

Roads Infographic (1).png

Investing in roads is important because we need a functioning transportation system. However, properly caring for roads also impacts other City services. It is a lot cheaper to maintain a road than to eventually replace it. Doing the road maintenance needed now (and catching up on maintenance that has been neglected in the past) is essential to having long term fiscal health so that we can also deliver other municipal services.

And because I know some of you will be interested: yes, there is also record investment in our active transportation network. The usual annual $3,000,000 program is happening in 2021. In addition: $200,000 for crosswalk upgrades; $250,000 for paths and trees in Hillside; $200,000 for a bridge to connect the new hospital to the Muskoseepi trails, and $1,000,000 to complete some missing links in the path and sidewalk system.

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