The GP Round Table is your chance to meet others who are engaged in our community. To hear their perspectives and share your own. To come together and discuss, collaborate, and even argue constructively. We all have thoughts, ideas, and concerns which Council needs to be aware of. This is your chance to share yours.

Below are some ways that you can join the conversation. 


Join the GP Round Table group on Facebook by clicking here. This is a place to share and comment on ideas and articles which are relevant to Grande Prairie's future.


Throughout the election season, I will be hosting events where we can literally sit around a table to talk. The first GP Round Table Event is on Tuesday, May 9th. Click here for more details.


I'll be sharing some of my thoughts on my GP Round Table Blog. Whether you agree or disagree with my ideas, I hope you will let me know what you think. You can also use my thoughts to start a conversation with your friends online or in person.

A NOTE TO OTHER CANDIDATES: You are an important part of the conversation. Feel free to take part in the GP Round Table Facebook group. You are also invited to the GP Round Table events- if you let me know you are coming, I'll give you a couple of minutes to introduce yourself. I'm looking forward to building this conversation with you!

To keep updated on my campaign, signup for my email list. I promise not to flood your inbox, and you can unsubscribe at anytime.