Coming Up: November 5

Council meets on Monday night. We have a very light agenda. Right now the only thing on it: amendments to “Policy 607- Waiver of Fees.” You can click here to see the proposed changes.

This is the policy which governs how non-profit and affordable housing development projects may receive exceptions from City development, engineering, planning, and inspection fees.

The proposed amendments will allow projects to also be exempt from municipal Land Management fees.

The amendments will also give department managers the ability to waive fees of up to $2000. By not forcing these applications to come to Council, they decrease both the time and cost of processing requests.

I am supportive of these amendments.

It is a very light Council meeting. However, I anticipate that we will more than make up for its shortness as we go into budget deliberations later this month. I’d encourage you to checkout my blog to see what we will be talking about.

Thanks for reading!


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