Coming Up: July 11

Council meets on Monday. The most significant items on our agenda:

  • Future Bypass Access

  • Mid-year Capital Adjustments

Following is more information and my take on agenda items.

As always, any mistakes or opinions belong to me and me alone, not to Council or City staff.

While I express my current views below, I work hard to go into meetings ready to listen and with an open mind. I learn new information and participate in debate. This always informs, and sometimes changes, how I vote on issues.

If you would like to watch the meeting or read any of its supporting material for yourself, you can do so by clicking here. The City will post the highlights of Council’s decisions here.

Future Bypass Access

Provincial legislation requires Council to establish a plan for our transportation system. This plan requires approval from the Transportation Minister.

In April, Council approved a new Transportation System Bylaw. However, it was rejected by the Minister. The issue raised by the province: a proposed future access on the new bypass. The access is highlighted in this graphic from a staff report:

It is recommended that Council approve a new Transportation System Bylaw which removes this access.

I presume the province’s concern with this access is slowing down movement along the bypass. Which is understandable. However, this is in land that the City has annexed for industrial development. Attracting that development into the City is critical for us to grow our tax base. One of this land’s best attributes: easy access to the highway system. Losing a future access will lessen its investment attractiveness.

I understand that there are costs and traffic impacts on traffic circles and other methods to allow access. However, at the very least: I think creating right-in-right-outs at this access would likely be reasonable.

I’ve got more questions to ask about plans for this section of the Bypass and provincial concerns. However, I’m not inclined to support amending the Bylaw. There have been no conversations about this highway access at the political level. Before Council accepts it being removed from our Transportation System, it would likely be prudent for Council to discuss it with the Minister.

Mid Year Capital Adjustments

It is recommended that Council approve the following additions to the 2022 Capital Plan:

Following is more information and my current take on each item:

  • Grandstand Concession: This would purchase equipment to allow a concession to operate in the CKC Grandstands. Not only would this enhance grandstand events, but Council is discussing potentials to use the space to create work that would benefit people with disabilities or non-profits. It is a small funding amount that could have a big impact. I’m likely to support it.

  • Brandt Sky Loft Renovations: These renovations in the Bonnetts Energy Centre are part of a sponsorship deal to enhance the skyloft. Since they are returning revenue to the City, supporting them makes sense.

  • CHP and Solar Project: The City has been exploring installing a Combined Heat Power (CHP) unit at the Service Centre and a Solar Array at the Coca Cola Centre. Upon further analysis, the CHP doesn’t appear to be a financially viable project. The City has also been unsuccessful in obtaining grants for the Solar Array. It is recommended that Council cancel the CHP, re-alocating its budget and additional funding to the Solar Array. I support canceling the CHP, but am unlikely to support the Solar Array. It is a large budget amount and I don’t see urgency in this project. I think it should be considered in the fall as part of Council’s wider capital plan.

  • Curling Club Feasibility Study: the Curling Club is hoping to convert its facility into a year round recreational space. As it explores this potential, engineering assessments are needed to see what is possible and what it would cost. It is recommended that Council fund this study. I’m likely to support this recommendation: seeing that facility become year round would add recreational opportunities to our City Centre while helping an important non-profit diversify its revenue.

  • Activity & Reception Centre Fencing: This is fencing to protect outdoor areas of the Activity & Reception Centre which have been subject to vandalism. This is an unfortunate need, but I’m likely to support it- protecting our investment in a new facility makes sense.

  • Board & Netting System: This fall, the Leisure Centre will be demolished. It is proposed that Council support the purchase of a board system which can be setup in the Activity & Reception Centre to support some activities which are currently happening in the Leisure Centre. When the Leisure Centre is eventually replaced, this system could be moved to an outdoor ice rink. I’ve got some questions to ask about this proposal, but am likely to support it. The Leisure Centre demolition will leave a large temporary gap in our recreation inventory. I appreciate administration finding a temporary solution which can be re-deployed when it is no longer needed indoors.

  • Sound Attenuation: At times, the Activity & Reception Centre gets quite loud. It is proposed that Council allocate money for an engineered sound attenuation solution. I’m not comfortable with this proposal yet. I don’t have a good understanding of how often volume hits a dangerous level and if this much money is needed. I’ll need further discussion to happen before I can support it.

  • Coordinated Care Campus: During construction, fire separation issues have been identified at the Coordinated Care Campus. Unfortunately, they require an expensive fix. There is a good chance that the federal government will cover these costs. However, funding is required immediately. I have a number of questions to ask and look forward to this conversation.

Parade Fees

When the City organizes a parade, it charges floats a fee to help cover City costs. Non-profits are charged $10.50 and for-profit companies are charged $105.

It is recommended that Council waive these fees for 2022.

I look forward to hearing from City Administration about why this recommendation is being made. But I assume it is to help kickstart the Canada Day Parade after a few years of it being cancelled.

I’m likely to support this recommendation. However, first I need to know more about decoration requirements for floats. In the past, I’ve seen company branded trucks with little to no decorations. They seemed to be entering the parade as a form of cheap advertising without making effort to enhance the celebrations. I don’t like this. If we are going to give free parade entries, we should require effort be put into decorating for-profit entries.

That’s what is on our agenda for Monday. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

You can comment below. Or, you can contact me at or 780-402-4166. I'm happy to talk online or over the phone. I'm also always willing to setup a time to meet for coffee.

We also always have great conversation in the GP Round Table group on Facebook.

After Council meeting, you will be able to find highlights posted by the City here.

Thanks for reading!


Dylan BresseyComment